Serving others around the world and right here at home.

Kids Ministry
Our education coordinator, Michelle Meyer, organizes a "kids church" sermon in the fellowship hall during the regular 9 am service on Sundays.
FCC has a variety of activities and educational experiences for the youth of our community. Youth Sunday School, kids church, VBS, JH youth group nights, festivals and more. If you are interested in getting involved, we welcome you!
​​Nursery available for ages 0-4, from 8:50-11:15AM each Sunday!
Long Food Pantry
Serving our own community through food distribution. Long Food Pantry is located in the the old FCC church building.
Once a month, (third Thursday) those who have signed up receive a box of dry goods, frozen meats, cereals, lunch meats, pastas, potatoes, etc., to take home to their family. If you are interested in helping with the food pantry or need to sign up to receive the blessing, please attend on the third thursday of each month.
FCC Members in Charge: Roy and Mary Peters
Contact: Church Secretary Gena at the main phone number.

Men's Ministry
FCC Men's Ministry is a casual morning meeting on Wednesdays at 6AM at the church. Enjoy a cup of coffee and fellowship. Pray together, lean on each other. To learn more, send a message through the contact portal or call the church phone.
Praise + Worship
FCC has a few different groups that lead praise and worship during the service. FCC does a mixture of classic hymns and contemporary Christian music. The groups are always looking for more singers and musicians. If you are interested in joining this ministry, contact a P+W Coordinator.

Volunteer Groups
There are several different volunteer groups at FCC. There is always a need for volunteers in the church and around the community. HELPING HANDS is a new volunteer group that helps members of the community with tasks around their homes. We also have funeral dinner groups, Community Caring groups and others. If you are interested in getting involved, send a message through the contact portal or visit with one of the volunteers.
Around The Table
Around the Table is a ministry created to bring people together for a free meal and fellowship. Check our Facebook Page for event updates and menus! We serve at 6PM on the first and third Wednesday of each month and it's always something hearty! Bring a friend and join us! It is just food and fellowship, no Bible study, message or commitments.
If you'd like to volunteer in the kitchen, just jump right in!